South African Gap Cover


South African Gap Cover – ‘The Upside to a Downgrade’

The term ‘downgrade’ rarely has a positive connotation. The end result often includes getting ‘less than’ or ‘settling for second best.’ At one level this is a relative discussion, depending where on the economic ladder you might find yourself. But on another level, this is a pragmatic discussion – especially when it comes to priorities and seasons of life. No matter the circumstances, when it comes to healthcare, it is about saving money. That is the upside to having South African Gap Cover when you might need to downgrade your Medical Aid option.   South African Gap Cover is a fantastic medical insurance invention. Because of the ever-increasing demand for quality healthcare in SA, the cost of medical services remains high and continue to soar. The current cost of living is increasing beyond our pockets and we are living in an unpredictable and volatile economic climate. That is the stark reality. So you ask yourself, ‘Where can I be financially savvy and wisely cut corners?’   Downgrading your Medical Aid option might be a necessary consideration when you take into account the large


Gap Cover – ‘Did You Know?’

Introduced in the 1940s, Chappies bubblegum is known and loved for its iconic wrappers containing ‘Did you know?’ facts. Each generation has their favourite childhood Chappies memories, and these colourful little square bubblegums have become nostalgically and proudly part of ‘South Africanah.’ But what does bubblegum have to do with South African Gap Cover?   Depending on your age, you might remember Chappies costing just 1c or 2c each. But just as inflation has resulted in Chappies now costing you around 30c a pop, Medical Aid rates, too, have dramatically increased over the years. That is why considering medical Gap Cover has become an important part of your personal and family financial planning and budgeting.   Here are a few ‘Did you know?’ facts about South African Gap Cover.   Fact #1 Did you know? Medical Aid cover does not align with the rate of medical professional and specialist consultations, hospital procedures and medication costs? This means that there is often a shortfall between what Medical Aid providers will pay and the actual final cost of your bill. The benefit of South African Gap Cover is that it is designed to


South African Gap Cover – ‘No Worries’

‘Hakuna matata’ is a wonderful Swahili phrase popularised by the Lion King movie. It actually means ‘no trouble,’ but literally translated, it means, ‘no worries.’  Either way, ‘hakuna matata’ is the safety net that South African gap cover offers you.   Any in-hospital treatment, whether scheduled, a sudden illness or an emergency, is a time of stress – not only for the patient, but for their extended family as well. Sitting beside your child’s hospital bed, waiting for news from the surgeon, or visiting a spouse in post-operative ICU, is emotionally draining. In pressing times like these, financial costs should be the least of your worries.   The fact is that in South Africa, although medical aid schemes may cover the bulk of the cost of surgeries, specialists and post-operative care, they may not cover everything. There is often a financial shortfall, and whether that bill is large or small, that becomes your problem. This is where gap cover sweeps in to save the day.   In many instances, the procedure costs for hospital, or even outpatient treatment, exceed the base medical aid


South African Gap Cover – ‘Be Prepared’

Boy Scouts and Girl Guides live by the motto, ‘Be Prepared.’ It is a wise motto for all. Moms do it by default – their bags are always stocked with extras, and an umbrella…just in case. Dads do it by making sure there is a rugby or soccer ball in the boot…just in case. Broadly speaking, we like to be prepared.   But we cannot be prepared for every eventuality. That is the unique benefit of medical South African Gap Cover –it is your ‘be prepared’ for ‘just in case.’ When it comes to looking after our health, there are many things we put in place to be prepared.   We join a gym or exercise programme                                                                     We are all aware of the benefits of regular exercise. It aids better sleep and helps to lower the risk of some diseases (including type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure), as well as helping to overcome mild depression. We are prepared to pay for gym memberships, Pilates classes and ‘Walk for Life’ programmes when it comes to putting steps in place to look after


South African Gap Cover – ‘Mind the Gap’

If you have ever travelled on the London Underground, then you will be familiar with the robotic and recorded, ‘Mind the gap’ warning, as train doors open and close. This warning is imperative for your safety.   The same warning applies when you consider your Medical Aid benefits and what you are covered for. Even though you may be paying a seemingly large amount for your Medical Aid benefits, private healthcare practitioners are often charging above the Medical Aid stated tariffs – leaving you to pay the difference from your own pocket. You are responsible for ‘minding the gap.’ This is where South African Gap Cover comes in.   What is Gap Cover? Essentially, Gap Cover is an extra policy that covers the financial shortfall between what your Medical Aid tariff pays out, and the actual rates charged by private healthcare practitioners for hospitalisation treatments and procedures. If you are 60 years or younger, and already registered with a medical aid scheme in RSA, you are eligible for Gap Cover. Why do you need it? Consider this scenario: Your child has had multiple cases of tonsillitis in a


South African Gap Cover: Your ‘Shock-Absorber’ against costly Co-Payments

One of the harshest challenges facing RSA citizens’ access to affordable healthcare has been the steady increase in co-payments demanded, either by specific medical specialists, or for certain medical procedures. This is the motivating factor for taking out South African gap cover in order to avoid any nasty surprises in your hour of need.   What is a Medical Aid Co-Payment? Should the cost of your treatment, procedure or hospital stay exceed the maximum amount of your current medical cover, you are personally liable to pay the difference out of your own pocket. This is likely to be something you completely overlooked in the small-print when signing your medical aid policy and it can have a devastating financial effect. The added stress of extra hidden costs is the last thing you want to encounter when your focus should be on recovering and resuming a normal life. With gap cover, this scenario is avoidable. Gap cover is a non-compulsory, but highly recommended insurance product which any current medical aid member can subscribe to. It is tailored to cover these excess payments, for a minimal monthly premium. Essentially, gap cover is your shock-absorber, ensuring

Gap Cover: Covering your Bills when your Medical Aid falls short

Gap Cover: Covering your Bills when your Medical Aid falls short

Similar to taking out ‘Excess’ cover as a priority when renting a car on holidays, Gap Cover has become as essential as the medical aid product itself. With the rocketing costs of private medical healthcare, gap cover has become a key conversation in the quest for affordable health that ticks all the financial boxes and ensures that a medical emergency is not further compounded by a financial burden. ‘Gap Cover’, by definition, is a low-cost, top-up insurance that any medical aid subscriber in RSA can take out, that covers the difference between what your insurance provider approves and pays, and the actual cost of treatment or hospitalization as a result of a medical emergency. If you urgently require a certain treatment or access to a specialist, ‘time to shop around’ is not of the essence!  Gap Cover is designed to cover any shortfall that may be incurred.   The Benefits of South African Gap Cover The core benefit of taking out a gap cover policy, allows you to vastly reduce or eliminate any out-of-pocket expenses associated with primary healthcare or hospital treatment you may require, while on medical aid. As long as you are a contributing member to

The Best Gap Cover in South Africa

What is Gap Cover? In the event that your particular medical aid scheme does not cover the entire costs of a medical or hospital procedure, Gap Cover is an additional top-up insurance you can avail of, to cover any outstanding amount over and above your stated benefit. Similar to the ‘excess waiver’ policy one can take out when renting a car, gap cover will cover the difference between the amount your medical scheme provides towards your claim, and the actual amount billed from a doctors or hospital visit (known as a ‘gap payment’) Why might I need Gap Cover? If you visit a private hospital of GP that does not have a comprehensive agreement with your medical insurance provider, you may be personally liable for significant extra treatment costs. Many GP’s also work with preferred specialists who may not be covered, should you require further treatment. Consumers often feel they are paying too much on medical aid but are not covered for procedures that they need. By taking out gap cover at a small, additional cost, you and your family are assured that the essential medical treatment you need does not impact on your debts and finances. Selecting

What Does a South African Gap Cover Normally Include

  Why you need Gap Cover in RSA Many South Africans believe that by holding a medical aid or hospital plan, they will be fully covered for any costs incurred as a result of hospitalisation or medical treatment. Unfortunately, this is not the case, where private consultation and specialist treatment bills have left many policyholders with a financial headache they had not foreseen. This is where Gap Cover plays an important role in healthcare.Gap cover’ is designed to pay the ‘gap’ or difference between what your medical aid scheme pays, and what a private doctor or specialist charges for their services.     How much does Gap Cover cost? Gap Cover is a ‘top-up’ medical insurance plan that bridges the shortfall between your hospital or medical procedure bill and the amount your medical scheme covers, as defined in your policy. You’ll be pleased to know that Gap Cover premiums are affordably priced and represent great value when expanded to cover dependents. From only R265 per month, Day 1 Health ensures that you and your family are not burdened by the excess amounts charged by medical professionals.  An Executive Plan

What To Look For In A South African Gap Cover

Gap Cover: The essential Safeguard against Medical Aid Shortfalls. Gap Cover is an additional medical insurance product that covers you when hospital or medical expenses exceed the amount that your medical aid provider will cover. In essence, it’s a ‘top-up’ insurance policy above and beyond medical aid cover, that RSA citizens can avail of, to avoid the shock of a crippling financial bill upon discharge. Despite how comprehensive your medical aid policy appears, the widening gap between medical procedures and medical aid refund amounts has become too concerning to ignore. No matter how old or health you are, you should strongly consider taking out a Gap Cover policy to protect you and your family against unforeseen medical events. In the unlikely event of a medical emergency, it is important to plan ahead – Gap Cover is your solution to accessing the best healthcare in RSA when you need it.   Who can take out a Gap Cover Policy? Gap Cover can only be taken by individuals who are already on a recognised medical aid scheme. Is Gap Cover more expensive than Medical Aid? You will be pleased to know that Gap Cover is inexpensive. For a fraction of

Frequently Asked Question

You have to have medical aid cover with a registered South African Medical Aid Scheme to enjoy the benefits offered under the
DAY 1 GAP WISE cover Policy. You are covered for Prescribed Minimum Benefit (PMB) medical procedures, subject to the Medical
Aid approval of the hospital claim.

Should you be hospitalised, specialists often charge more than medical aid scheme rates for their services and you may be faced
with financial shortfalls. It is advisable that when you are referred to a specialist in hospital, you ask the specialist for estimated
costs and then compare these to what your Medical Aid covers. It is not necessary for you to disclose to the specialist that you
have GAP WISE cover. NB: pre-authorisation for any non-emergency elective procedure is required 48 hours prior to any
Some examples of specialists in hospital, to name a few, are:
Anaesthetists, General Surgeons, Pathologists, Radiologists, Paediatricians, Gynaecologists, Orthopaedic Surgeons, Oncologists
and Pulmonologists.

Platinum Plan
Natural Birth & C-Sections – Day1 Health pays costs in hospital of up to a maximum of R20 000.00

Platinum Plan
Natural Birth & C-Sections – Day1 Health pays costs in hospital of up to a maximum of R20 000.00

Day1 Health facilitates admission to most private hospitals and government hospitals. All hospital admissions must be pre-authorised via ER24. The pre-authorisation number is on the back of your membership card (0861 144 144).

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  • Hospital account shortfalls
  • Medical Aid Scheme admission fees, co-payments, penalty fees, exclusions, sub-limits and any other claims rejected or not authorised by the Medical Aid Scheme
  • MRI, CAT, PET scans
  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Optical and/or laser surgery or treatment thereof
  • Cancer – Cancer in any form diagnosed prior to inception date of the policy
  • Claims that occur within the first 3 (three) months after inception date of the Policy
  • Refer to the Policy Wording for an extensive exclusion list


  • Specialists in-hospital shortfalls – Day1 GAP WISE pays up to R25 000 per event/admission – 6 events per annum
  • The overall annual limit for in-hospital specialist charges up to a maximum of R150 000 – therefore a maximum of 6 events/admissions per
  • This applies to Oncology-related events
  • Casualty Event: Specialist charges for accidental events of up to R25 000 per policy per annum


Period Event
Maternity- GAP WISE cover is payable up to R5000 per event
Hysterectomy (except where malignancy can be proven) - GAP WISE cover is payable up to R5000 per event
Adenoidectomy - GAP WISE cover is payable up to R5000 per event
Tonsillectomy- GAP WISE cover is payable up to R5000 per event
Myringotomy & Grommets - GAP WISE cover is payable up to R5000 per event
Spinal, Back, Neck and Joint-related procedures (except in the case of accident after inception of the Policy) - GAP WISE cover is payable up to R5000 per event
Specialised Dentistry- GAP WISE cover is payable up to R5000 per event
Appendectomy- GAP WISE cover is payable up to R5000 per event
Hernia - including strangulated and inguinal- GAP WISE cover is payable up to R5000 per event


Tonsillectomy R 5 222 R 1 872 R3 350 (this is within the R5000 limit)
Knee Replacement (joint surgery) R24 655 R14 300 R 5 000
Caesarean Section R21 237 R 9 255 R 5 000
Hernia Repair R19 275 R 7 150 R 5 000
Cholecystectomy R16 000 R10 250 5 750

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Day to Day Cover, Hospital Plan and Combined Options. From as little as R265/month

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Exeter House, Peter Place Office Park,
54 Peter Place, Bryanston,


087 056 9951

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