
South African Gap Cover – ‘The Upside to a Downgrade’

The term ‘downgrade’ rarely has a positive connotation. The end result often includes getting ‘less than’ or ‘settling for second best.’ At one level this is a relative discussion, depending where on the economic ladder you might find yourself. But on another level, this is a pragmatic discussion – especially when it comes to priorities and seasons of life. No matter the circumstances, when it comes


Gap Cover – ‘Did You Know?’

Introduced in the 1940s, Chappies bubblegum is known and loved for its iconic wrappers containing ‘Did you know?’ facts. Each generation has their favourite childhood Chappies memories, and these colourful little square bubblegums have become nostalgically and proudly part of ‘South Africanah.’ But what does bubblegum have to do with South African Gap Cover?   Depending on your age, you might remember Chappies costing just 1c or 2c each. But just as


South African Gap Cover – ‘Be Prepared’

Boy Scouts and Girl Guides live by the motto, ‘Be Prepared.’ It is a wise motto for all. Moms do it by default – their bags are always stocked with extras, and an umbrella…just in case. Dads do it by making sure there is a rugby or soccer ball in the boot…just in case. Broadly speaking, we like to be prepared.   But we cannot be prepared for every eventuality. That is the unique


South African Gap Cover – ‘Mind the Gap’

If you have ever travelled on the London Underground, then you will be familiar with the robotic and recorded, ‘Mind the gap’ warning, as train doors open and close. This warning is imperative for your safety.   The same warning applies when you consider your Medical Aid benefits and what you are covered for. Even though you may be paying a seemingly large amount for your Medical Aid benefits, private healthcare practitioners are often


South African Gap Cover: Your ‘Shock-Absorber’ against costly Co-Payments

One of the harshest challenges facing RSA citizens’ access to affordable healthcare has been the steady increase in co-payments demanded, either by specific medical specialists, or for certain medical procedures. This is the motivating factor for taking out South African gap cover in order to avoid any nasty surprises in your hour of need.   What is a Medical Aid Co-Payment? Should the cost of your treatment, procedure or hospital stay exceed the maximum amount of your

Gap Cover: Covering your Bills when your Medical Aid falls short

Gap Cover: Covering your Bills when your Medical Aid falls short

Similar to taking out ‘Excess’ cover as a priority when renting a car on holidays, Gap Cover has become as essential as the medical aid product itself. With the rocketing costs of private medical healthcare, gap cover has become a key conversation in the quest for affordable health that ticks all the financial boxes and ensures that a medical emergency is not further compounded by a financial burden. ‘Gap Cover’, by definition, is a low-cost, top-up insurance that

The Best Gap Cover in South Africa

What is Gap Cover? In the event that your particular medical aid scheme does not cover the entire costs of a medical or hospital procedure, Gap Cover is an additional top-up insurance you can avail of, to cover any outstanding amount over and above your stated benefit. Similar to the ‘excess waiver’ policy one can take out when renting a car, gap cover will cover the difference between the amount your medical scheme provides towards your claim, and the

What Does a South African Gap Cover Normally Include

  Why you need Gap Cover in RSA Many South Africans believe that by holding a medical aid or hospital plan, they will be fully covered for any costs incurred as a result of hospitalisation or medical treatment. Unfortunately, this is not the case, where private consultation and specialist treatment bills have left many policyholders with a financial headache they had not foreseen. This is where Gap Cover plays an important role in healthcare.Gap cover’ is

What To Look For In A South African Gap Cover

Gap Cover: The essential Safeguard against Medical Aid Shortfalls. Gap Cover is an additional medical insurance product that covers you when hospital or medical expenses exceed the amount that your medical aid provider will cover. In essence, it’s a ‘top-up’ insurance policy above and beyond medical aid cover, that RSA citizens can avail of, to avoid the shock of a crippling financial bill upon discharge. Despite how comprehensive your medical aid policy appears, the widening gap between medical