Gap Cover: The essential Safeguard against Medical Aid Shortfalls.
Gap Cover is an additional medical insurance product that covers you when hospital or medical expenses exceed the amount that your medical aid provider will cover. In essence, it’s a ‘top-up’ insurance policy above and beyond medical aid cover, that RSA citizens can avail of, to avoid the shock of a crippling financial bill upon discharge. Despite how comprehensive your medical aid policy appears, the widening gap between medical procedures and medical aid refund amounts has become too concerning to ignore. No matter how old or health you are, you should strongly consider taking out a Gap Cover policy to protect you and your family against unforeseen medical events. In the unlikely event of a medical emergency, it is important to plan ahead – Gap Cover is your solution to accessing the best healthcare in RSA when you need it.
Who can take out a Gap Cover Policy?
Gap Cover can only be taken by individuals who are already on a recognised medical aid scheme.
Is Gap Cover more expensive than Medical Aid?
You will be pleased to know that Gap Cover is inexpensive. For a fraction of your medical aid premium, you can benefit from a medical ‘top-up’ product that covers the shortfall between your medical aid pays out, and what your private hospital or specialist will charge.
When would a Gap Cover Policy NOT pay out?
It’s important to know that Gap Cover, while highly beneficial, is not your Medical A-Z. Circumstances where your Gap Cover policy would not pay out includes, but is not limited to,
- Upgrade to a Private Hospital Room
- Home Nursing during Rehabilitation
- Cosmetic Procedures
- Prosthesis (prosthetic limbs or tissue)
Day 1 Health – Your Gap Cover Choice!
Day 1 Health, approved by the Council for Medical Schemes and registered with the Financial Services Board, facilitates gap cover insurance through its affordable Preventative Healthcare and Hospital Benefit cover. A single Day1 Health Gap Cover Policy offers your entire family a great Top Up Health Insurance plan at exceptional value for money. Explore our affordable Health Plan options and sign up for a product that protects you and your family. Apply Online Today
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